
This is a 14 inch medallion in 4 pieces. I call him Don Quixote. I think I'll make a few more and offer them on this site.
Tiny faces
Taking a break tonight from sculpting the tiny faces on a private commission. It'll be worth it in the end, but today my vision is definitely suffering. Maybe I'm getting too old for this or maybe I need to start sculpting bigger pieces.
Hot and Dry
Hot and humid has given way to hot and dry. This is probably not the best time of year to be doing ceramics. It has been averaging 100 degrees for the past 2 weeks and it's always 10 to 20 degrees hotter in the studio (cuz it's a garage). Even at night, when it's nice outside, it is still too hot to work with clay. In January I'll be complaining of the cold dry weather and longing for summer